CDO Workforce

CDO Workforce


Employment ServicesJob Readiness Training

About Us

CDO Workforce coordinates and focuses employment, training and education development resources across three counties, providing service to employed people, unemployed people and employers alike. Our goal is to improve the long-term growth and development of the work force. CDO Workforce Career System is at the hub of a network of resources, from education and training, to professional networks, to information sources, grants and other programs to help you. we offer an array of business services: Recruitment and Business Services; Labor Market Information; Education and Training Resources; Grant and Training Opportunities; and Resources for Business. We offer services for special populations including Veterans, and Youth and Adults with disabilities.

Hiring adults and youth with disabilities is good for business, the economy, and your team’s morale. Businesses that actively employ people with disabilities outperform businesses that do not. According to the Disability Equality Index, their revenues were 28% higher, net income was two times more, and profit margins were higher by 30%. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Labor found that businesses who embraced disability saw a 90% increase in employee retention.

Rep/Contact Info

Kathy DeAngelo
Disability Resource Coordinator
Mr. Alan Sessions
Placement Coordinator